A Minute with Mark – Learning to Crawl

970757_10100888142597017_161276303_nFor the past few days, I was able to spend time with our grandchildren in the rain-soaked North Carolina mountains. There was plenty of inside time with three preschoolers in a cabin that got a little smaller as the week went by!

I was fascinated watching our 9 month old grandson.  He is discovering how to propel himself along the floor. Two things came to mind – 1. It’s amazing what you find that close to the floor and 2. If we had strapped some Velcro to his belly, we wouldn’t need the vacuum cleaner.

He drags with his arms and pushes with his feet. One day soon he’ll figure out how to lift himself onto his knees. Then he’ll go even faster and get into more stuff. Then I’ll turn around and he’s playing T-ball, driving a car, graduating from college. It goes by so fast.

I think about the world he will encounter. He will face things I could never have imagined. He will need a strong foundation of faith and vibrant relationships with godly people. He will a need a healthy self-awareness and confidence in his skills and knowledge. He will need people around him who believe in him, pull for him, hold him accountable, and love him no matter what.

Right now, he’s learning to crawl. I want his life to be full of simple pleasures and the wonder of learning. When we knew he was on the way, we started praying for him, That will always be our greatest gift to him. Too soon, he’ll be walking and running, growing up before our eyes. We’ll pray even more for God’s grace, protection, and wisdom in his life.

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About Mark Wilbanks

Dr. Wilbanks became Wieuca’s fifth senior pastor in February of 2012. Mark’s father, Oliver Wilbanks, served as Associate Pastor here from 1966 to 1982. Wieuca had a tremendous influence in shaping Mark’s call to ministry during his teenage and young adult years. A graduate of both Southern and New Orleans Baptist Theological seminaries, Mark has served churches in Kentucky, Florida, and Georgia. He pastored Southside Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida for 17 years and Bradfordville First Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Florida for ten years. He and his wife, Kim, were married in 1979 and have two sons, Andy and Jordan. Andy is married to Lindsay and they have a son, Cade, a daughter, Ruthie, and welcomed their third child, Samuel, in October.

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